things to know

PRO tips & info


SLAM designs ARE for everyone

All animation menus in SLAM products, are intentionally designed to be considered unisex / gender neutral.

Keeping it simple:

No matter who or what does the naughty stuff, the only common denominator is that “something” penetrates “something”. There’s no necessity to gender that, because the possibilities of what those “somethings” are, are plentiful. And in 98% of use cases, it just depends where those somethings are tilted and aimed to achieve the desired results.

The same goes for all animations where tongues or hands are involved. These work perfectly without putting labels on them. That’s why SLAM designs use the terms “top” and “bottom”, which — contrary to common belief — ares not orientation specific terminology. They merely signify who is “giving” and who is “receiving”. The only exception we make to this is with “selflove” animations, where M and F labels are being used to signify which types of bits are being loved, but even that’s just to describe what kind of animation it is.

In the end, menu buttons only allow so many characters.

This is SLAM’s practice of putting together menus. There’s no intention to get into any kind of discussion about gendered furniture in SL and other brand’s practices. This is a non-judgemental customer information, not market practice commentary.

Sticking to the facts: Almost all animations are made based on a male and a female avatar, considering positions and sizes. There are only a few handfuls of quality animations that were specifically made for same gender/bits action, hardly enough to make a wholesome animation menu out of.

That’s why in our mind, there’s absolutely no sense in offering gender specific stuff, because ultimately it would be just the same M/F animations, re-labelled to appear to be for other gender combos. SLAM keeps it simple, honest, diverse, and fully all-inclusive — no matter the avatars’ genders and/or species.

SLAM designs are and will always be created for absolutely anyone who enjoys them.

Labels don’t define us, they are for wine bottles and soup cans.

Labels Don’t Define Us.



On most designs, SLAM offers a balanced variety of item specific textures, by use of a style HUD or menu based texture change options. But since it’s impossible to accommodate every variety of personal tastes, we mostly offer a plain white texture in these options, which allows any customer with simple editing knowledge to colorize designs to their personal liking.

SLAM designs generally have modify permissions, unless there are specific reasons to limit modding. These can include, but are not limited to, third-party material license requirements, or special event offers.

Here’s how to make use of the white textures
for personal customization:

  • select a white texture on the style HUD, to apply it to the design
  • right-click EDIT on the design
  • in the EDIT window, click “Select Faces”
  • click on the white surface that you want to re-color
  • back in the EDIT window, switch to the “Textures” tab
  • click on the Color-Picker on the upper left
  • make your color choice and hit OK to confirm
  • repeat for any additional surfaces, and/or shift-click
    to change the color of multiple surfaces at the same time

Quality Over Quantity.

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